Practice Makes Perfect
We do believe in the wisdom received by people of many ages, practice makes perfect. For this reason, Imprestige’s experts only take translation jobs in their fields of expertise. When your document is translated by someone who clearly understands it, who could either sit in the chair of its author or those belonging to the target audience based on her knowledge and experience, the difference becomes huge.
We do not only believe but we were fortunate enough to prove that kindly refusing translation offers out of our domains opens the door to offers matching our profile.
Many agencies and freelancers out on the market can offer fast delivery and competitive prices, and what makes us different is domain expertise and experience.
Two Plus Two Sometimes Becomes Five
The ability to correctly interpret source texts and the advanced knowledge of the industry terminology in the source and target language makes us able to recognize when this formula comes true: when two words put next to each other form a phrase the meaning of which is different from the addition of the meaning of the individual words. We do recognize when credit card is intended to denote all kinds of plastic payment cards. We can tell cancelling and reversing an invoice apart. We know that hero in press terminology refers not to Superman. We do know, French fries are, fortunately, made not of French people. And we know a lot more. 🙂
Exploit Your Values
Help yourself to benefit as much as just possible from what you have. Entrust experts to create accurate and grammatical translations matching the style of the intended audience in order to let your customers clearly understand what you offer or what you need. Give your customers the chance to get concise and straightforward instructions in their own language. Give your customers a chance to understand and value your business. One of the keys to international business is the proper language. We can offer you this.