Do you believe in crafting and masterpieces?
IT Consulting, Management & Assistance

Imprestige helps its clients in the analysis, design and testing phases of the software development lifecycle, and also in designing and implementing software engineering, development, test and QA methodologies and tools. Focused around quality, productivity and manageability, we propose to provision the conditions of sustainable software development, your way to continued success. We offer you complete guidance. Our holistic approach helps you to optimize the entire development process and is oriented about solving problems, not pushing them forward.


  • Business analysis
  • Requirements analysis and management
  • Domain model design
  • Architectural design
  • Test strategy development and coordination
  • Software ergonomics & usability consulting
  • Project & development management
  • Technical writing (English and Hungarian)
Linguistics Services: Professional Translation & Localization

A great and long track of history in professional translation and linguistics promoted Imprestige to become a leading high-quality vendor of English to Hungarian and Hungarian to English translations. Having spent tensome years in the very competitive edge of the translation and linguistic industry, Imprestige experts become to know all the tricks and bits of the industry. And Imprestige’s experts not only translate: they maintain significant practice in the fields of specialization, and therefore they belong to the target audience of the contents, or they create contents similar to those received for translation, and this domain excellence is what makes us stand out on the market.

Fields of Specialization

  • Information technology / Computing
  • Software localization
  • Website localization
  • Marketing & communications
  • General business & administration
  • Finance & accounting
  • Contracts

Linguistic Services Include

  • Professional translation
  • Software localization
  • Proofreading
  • Native review
  • QA control
  • Terminology building and management
  • Technical support for CAT tools
The Big Step in Evolution: Start Using Tools

Having a suitable tool dedicated to software engineering (called a CASE tool, standing for Computer Assisted Software Engineering) enables analysts and engineers to stay organized and to keep requirements and design up-to-date. In a modern CASE tool, things you see on diagrams are only instances of visual representations of one or other model element. A requirement, a class or a connection is a set of data with a lot of valuable information behind, and only a few of those data is displayed in a view. In another view, you can display other data of the same model element. You can have a diagram detailing the attributes of a class and another putting it into context by displaying related classes. Change the name of the class, and the change will automatically and immediately be reflected in each view. Indicate a requirement affects another, and when requirements change, run a simple report to see what other requirements may be affected, and track down what elements of implementation may need reconsideration. Provide a detailed user scenario to your stakeholder to accept, and give it to your developer to implement and, finally, give it to your tester to make sure, the developer created what the customer wanted. And if a scenario changed, each relevant party will be kept up-to-date.

Get to Know More

We have prepared a short brief focusing on the values and benefits of using CASE tools and the topics in which we can help.
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